

Master studentship - 2018

Scientific prizes - 2017


2018 Master studentship

Project status: closed

Preserving hearing in mice with antivirals after infection by cytomegalovirus.

Dr. Charlotte Benoit, an ENT intern, is conducting research under the supervision of Prof. Natacha Teissier at the Inserm U-1141 “Neuroprotection of the Developing Brain” research laboratory at the Robert-Debré Hospital in Paris. At birth, CMV infection is the main infectious cause of defects and the second cause of hearing loss. The inner ear is attacked by CMV but currently the virus’s mechanism of action is not entirely understood. Dr. Benoit’s research aims to test the efficacy of antiviral treatments on hearing based on a model of mice infected by cytomegalovirus (CMV). This study is the first to evaluate the relevance of these new molecules in preventing hearing loss associated with cytomegalovirus infection.

2017 Early Career Scientific Prize 

Project status: closed

Natacha Teissier is a professor at Paris Diderot University and a practitioner at Robert-Debré hospital in Paris, directed by Prof. Theirry Van Den Abbeele. She also conducts research as a clinician-scientist in the Inserm U1141 laboratory focusing on “Neuroprotection of the developing brain” directed by Professor Pierre Gressens at the same hospital. Her research aims to develop therapies for treating the symptoms of infection by the cytomegalovirus (CMV), which is at the root of numerous disorders, and in particular hearing loss.

While studying medicine, Natacha was drawn to an ENT specialization and quickly became interested in hearing. That was when she met Professor Van Den Abbeele and discovered the field of cochlear implants, a defining moment for her. With a master’s degree in neuroscience, Natacha started her career as a young researcher in the laboratory of Prof. Shigeyuki Kuwada at the University of Connecticut in the United States. A few years later, she undertook a PhD in neuroscience in the laboratory of Professor Gressens, aiming to characterize the neurosensory damage associated with CMV.

A transational approach

Natacha’s scientific enquiry has led her to question how to prevent hearing loss in children. With the active support and encouragement of Prof. Van Den Abbeele and Prof. Gressens, she has chosen to focus her research on the sensory and cerebral lesions linked to CMV infections, under the guidance of Professor Homa Adle-Biassette. To answer this question, she has adopted a translational strategy combining basic and clinical research. Her objective: to understand how CMV can lead to hearing loss in order to design an effective antiviral treatment for infected children. She is currently conducting a clinical trial to assess the benefits of an antiviral treatment on hearing and balance in infected children.

Short- and long-term projects

Natacha is also planning translational work on hearing loss caused by pneumococcal meningitis, a form of disease that leads to ossification of the ear and therefore profound hearing loss. She also wants to raise awareness of this type of meningitis among her peers to improve patient care.

A firm focus on people

For Natacha, it is a real honor to receive the Foundation Pour l’Audition Early Career Scientific Prize, which represents peer recognition of the quality of her work and her commitment to patients. This prize will enable her to pursue her research on CMV and hearing loss caused by infection.
A committed professional, Natacha’s work is firmly focused on people. Her research approach is comprehensive, ranging from studying diseases to developing and applying patient solutions, as well as improving patient care by raising awareness among the medical community and patients themselves.

Professor Natacha Teissier
Pediatric ENT Department, Robert-Debré Hospital, AP-HP, Paris, France
Inserm U-1141 “Neuroprotection of the Developing Brain” Laboratory, Robert-Debré Hospital, Paris, France